આ પાનું પ્રમાણિત થઈ ગયું છે.

indeed become facts in some more practical fashion to-morrow.

The existence and the soundness of this hope are assumed in this volume. It is also assumed that educated natives, while grasping at all available extraneous assistance with all their might, will also enter manfully into a struggle on their own behalf, to bear their manifold strain and to perform their functions as much with patience and fellow-feeling as with intrepidity, perseverance, and wisdom. This volume attempts to present a perspective in which the description of this struggle will connect the reader with contemporaneous actualities, while his introduction into the dream-land of the attainment of the final fusion of the heterogeneous elements will open upon him distant but happier vistas of the past and future of his countrymen. Whether the various characters which fill this perspective are drawn with sufficient art and neatness, is a question best left to the critic.

G. M. T.


27th August 1901.